
dongqi qian - enginner - ECOVACS Robotics, Inc.

enginner at ECOVACS Robotics, Inc. · 工作经历: ECOVACS Robotics, Inc. · 地点: 常州-无锡-苏州地区 · 15 位领英好友。在领英 (一个拥有 10 亿会员的职业社区) ...

QIAN Dongqi

QIAN Dongqi is the Founder and President of ECOVACS Robotics, Inc. He graduated fromNanjing University in 1987, before earning his master's degree in ...

Qian Dongqi

Forbes Lists ; Age: 67 ; Source of Wealth: Home-cleaning robots, Self Made ; Residence: Suzhou, China ; Citizenship: China ; Marital Status: Married.

China's Richest 2018: Billionaire Cleaning Spree

The founder of robotics company Ecovacs became a newly minted billionaire earlier this year. Now Qian Dongqi and his son, David, ...


... Qian Dongqi, ECOVACS ROBOTICS' Chairman. Launched in 2014 by ECOVACS ROBOTICS, the RoboCreator is a robot-design competition that is open to university and ...

About Us

科沃斯战投WAP首页. Venture Investment. Management Team. 钱董. Dongqi Qian. Chairman Founder. 钱董. Dongqi Qian. Chairman Founder. Mr. Qian Dongqi, formerly ...

Ecovacs Robotics

Ecovacs Robotics is a Chinese technology company. It is best known for developing in-home robotic appliances. The company was founded in 1998 by Qian Dongqi ...

QIAN Dongqi_WRC2019

QIAN Dongqi is the Founder and President of ECOVACS Robotics, Inc. He graduated fromNanjing University in 1987, before earning his master's degree in ...


... Qian Dongqi, ECOVACS ROBOTICS' Chairman. Launched in 2014 by ECOVACS ROBOTICS, the RoboCreator is a robot-design competition that is open to university and ...


enginneratECOVACSRobotics,Inc.·工作经历:ECOVACSRobotics,Inc.·地点:常州-无锡-苏州地区·15位领英好友。在领英(一个拥有10亿会员的职业社区) ...,QIANDongqiistheFounderandPresidentofECOVACSRobotics,Inc.HegraduatedfromNanjingUniversityin1987,beforeearninghismaster'sdegreein ...,ForbesLists;Age:67;SourceofWealth:Home-cleaningrobots,SelfMade;Residence:Suzhou,China;Citizenship:China;MaritalStatus:Married....